WMC Barcelona



Start Date:

june 28, 2021

End Date

july 1, 2021


As COVID-19 pushes network resilience to its limit, its value to society has never been greater. 2020 was to be the year of 5G but faced with social and financial uncertainty, the spotlight has also fallen on legacy technologies to deliver life’s ‘new normal’.

Telco infrastructure is proving to be agile, and the partnerships between cloud and network leaders could be seen as a sign that network providers are proactively looking to shift to a hybrid model to meet changing demands. COVID-19 has become a key protagonist for change, but who will the real winners be in a hybrid-5G world?

Key topics

  • 5G deployment & 6G Planning
  • Open RAN
  • Enterprise & Private Networks
  • Building to the Edge
  • Connectivity for Good
  • Telco Cloud

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Connected Industry

Through faster speeds and stronger connections, 5G has become a catalyst for next generation IoT services. Enabling networks to extend securely to remote locations means technology is solving pain points for many industries such as FinTech, Manufacturing, and Health, among others.

Intelligent connectivity will continue to play a transformational role across these industries for many years but with the markets adapting to the global health crisis, how can mobile develop its solutions and business propositions to ensure mobile is a key partner for the long term?

Key topics

  • Industrial IoT
  • Vertical use cases, opportunities & outlook
  • Digital Supply Chain
  • Telcos as the ideal partner for all industries
  • IoT-enabled industries

AI Sponsored by Nvidia

Artificial intelligence delivers value not only for network capacity planning, but to nearly every other aspect of business and industry. A recent report by Accenture showed that 84% of C-suite executives believe they must leverage AI to achieve their growth objectives, with three out of four C-suite executives believing that if they don’t scale AI in the next five years, they risk going out of business entirely.

With the stakes higher than ever, AI investment is set to top £170 billion by 2025, according to KPMG. With AI integrated into networks, business, and services, where should investment be prioritised?

Key topics

  • AI-ready Industry & Enterprise
  • AI & Employment of the future
  • Getting past bias with AI
  • The role of AI in building public trust

Startup Innovation

In times of uncertainty, it’s innovation that safeguards a company for future success. Join us at 4YFN, the startup business platform of MWC Barcelona where industry leaders, founders, funders and experts share their vision and latest developments in cutting edge technology.

See how corporates and startups bring to light the best practices in order to successfully collaborate with each other and discover how new tech will influence humanity and society in the future and four years from now.

Key topics

  • Founders
  • Growth
  • Product Leadership
  • Scale Up
  • Corporate Venturing
  • Open Innovation
  • Deal Flow
  • Tech Horizon
  • AI
  • Quantum Computing
  • Creative Minds
  • Content Creation
  • Gaming & E-Sports